Frequently Asked Questions - Moama on Murray Resort Echuca

What are the reception hours of Moama on Murray Resort ?

Moama on Murray Resort.

What is check-in and check-out times for Moama on Murray Resort ?

Check In Time is -2.00pm, Check Out Time is -10.00am.

What is the phone number for Moama on Murray Resort ?

03 5480 3031

What city Moama on Murray Resort is in ?


What is mailing address for Moama on Murray Resort ?

1 Edward Street Moama New South Wales 2731 Australia

What credit cards are accepted by Moama on Murray Resort ?

Visa , Mastercard , American express , Diners club

What is this website?

This website is our old booking system, no longer valid. Please go to our main website, and there you will find new and correct information about us , and the lastest web specials. ********************************** Our web site has changed !!!!!!!! GO TO:

Do you allow pets?

No pets are allowed on the premises.