Frequently Asked Questions - Airport Hacienda Motel Brisbane

What are the reception hours of Airport Hacienda Motel ?

The front desk office is daily open from 8am - 12pm. After hours check-in available contact reception before arrival within hours above and provide your mobile number to receive a sms of the key safe code located at the reception doors. Please note accommodation will be charged before keys are placed in the key safe box..

What is check-in and check-out times for Airport Hacienda Motel ?

Check In Time is From 2 PM., Check Out Time is Until 10 AM..

What is the phone number for Airport Hacienda Motel ?


What city Airport Hacienda Motel is in ?


What is mailing address for Airport Hacienda Motel ?

560 Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton Hamilton Queensland 4007 Australia

Does Airport Hacienda Motel have Wifi ?

YES, WIFI is available at Airport Hacienda Motel.

What credit cards are accepted by Airport Hacienda Motel ?

Visa , Mastercard , American express , Diners club