Frequently Asked Questions - Priory Hotel dongara

What are the reception hours of Priory Hotel ?

The front desk is open daily from 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM. Mon - Fri 4.30pm till 7.30pm check in available at Front Bar.

What is check-in and check-out times for Priory Hotel ?

Check In Time is 2 PM - 7:30 PM, Check Out Time is 8:30 AM - 10 AM.

What is the phone number for Priory Hotel ?


What city Priory Hotel is in ?


What is mailing address for Priory Hotel ?

11 St Dominics Road Port Denison dongara Western Australia 6525 Australia

Does Priory Hotel have Wifi ?

YES, WIFI is available at Priory Hotel.

What credit cards are accepted by Priory Hotel ?

Visa , Mastercard , American express , Diners club