Frequently Asked Questions - St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) Melbourne

What are the reception hours of St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) ?

There is 24 hour check in available 7 days a week..

What is check-in and check-out times for St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) ?

Check In Time is 1400hrs, Check Out Time is 1000hrs.

What is the phone number for St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) ?

03 9416 8233

What city St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) is in ?


What is mailing address for St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) ?

334 St Georges Rd Thornbury Victoria 3071 Australia

Does St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) have Wifi ?

YES, WIFI is available at St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia).

What credit cards are accepted by St Georges Motor Inn Thornbury (Australia) ?

American express , Mastercard , Visa