Frequently Asked Questions - Briardale Bed and Breakfast Albury

What are the reception hours of Briardale Bed and Breakfast ?

Reception hours are from 0700 to 2000. Breakfast served 07:00 to 09:00 in the Dining Room. Checkout 10.00AM.

What is check-in and check-out times for Briardale Bed and Breakfast ?

Check In Time is 1400hrs, Check Out Time is 1000hrs.

What is the phone number for Briardale Bed and Breakfast ?

+61 (0)2 60 255 131

What city Briardale Bed and Breakfast is in ?


What is mailing address for Briardale Bed and Breakfast ?

396 Poplar Drive Lavington New South Wales 2641 Australia

Does Briardale Bed and Breakfast have Wifi ?

YES, WIFI is available at Briardale Bed and Breakfast.

What credit cards are accepted by Briardale Bed and Breakfast ?

Visa , Mastercard

What if I can't find Briardale?

If you follow our directions correctly you will not have any difficulty finding us - if you are unsure, call 0407 254 368 and advise the nearest street intersection - we will find you.

What kind of breakfast do I get Briardale?

Breakfast is a hearty cooked breakfast to see you through the day - bacon, mushrooms, eggs, tomato etc, cereals and toast. You may of course be satisfied with a substantial continental if you wish. Tea, coffee & snacks available all day.

Take-away/delivered food to Briardale

You are welcome to bring take-away or delivered food to Briardale - we prefer that food not be eaten in your bedroom, cutlery and plates are available for use in the Dining Room. There are two hotels and numerous restaurants within easy walking of Briardale.

Has Briardale a liquor licence?

Yes, Briardale is registered with the Liquor & Gaming Control Authority to enable guests to consume liquor on the premises. We adhere to the Responsible Service of Alcohol.

Can children stay at Briardale?

Children are welcome at Briardale but can only be accommodated in one of the Queen Suites, no other bedding arrangements are available, so the full room tariff would apply. Children would need to be under parental/guardian supervision at all times. Our rooms cater for a maximum of two persons.

Can I smoke at Briardale?

Smoking is not permitted within the house.

Where are the nearest Golf Clubs?

Albury has two Golf Clubs, The Commercial Albury Golf Club in North Street is close by and the Thurgoona Golf Club at Thurgoona 7 kms to the east of Briardale.

Can Briardale accept pets?

Unfortunately we cannot accept pets due to Albury Council Health regulations - assistance animals are accepted.

Where are the nearest shops and chemists?

Lavington Centro is 3 blocks and an easy stroll away, where you will find everything you would need, open 7 days.

Do the bedroom suites have refrigerators & tea/coffee making facilities?

To use our energy wisely, the rooms do not have refrigerators - guests have a refrigerator in the kitchen, whilst tea, coffee, snacks are available from the dining room - you are welcome to take refreshments to your room if you wish.

Is there a petrol station close?

Yes, the fuel outlet and IGA supermarket is 500m away.

Are the hosts of Briardale members of any B&B Association?

Yes, Briardale B&B is a member of Hosted Accommodation Australia Ltd and Accommodation Association of Australia - we adhere strictly to Association guidelines.

Where is the nearest bank or ATM?

Banks and Post Office are located at Lavington Centro / Griffith Road.

What method of payment does Briardale Accept?

To secure a booking, a valid credit card is required, we accept Visa, Mastercard, Direct Bank Deposit & cash. We also offer discounts for stays of 2 days or more, discount shows when booking.